Cats Facts

Know some cats facts.

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#1. The oldest cat in the world was 38 years old!

#2. In 1963 a cat went to space.

#3. Cats walk like camels and giraffes.

#4. Whena Cat wink at you it means they trust you and see you as a friend.

#5. The cat sleep of 70% their Lives.

#6. Cats can ove their eyes 180 degrees.

#7. Cats and Killer whale both kill for fun.

#8. Cat can make over 100 vocals sound while dogs only 10.

#9. Owning a cat at home reduces the risk of heart attack by 40% and stroke bt 30%.

#10. Frank and Lucy, a cat with two face, survived for 15 years when cat with such condition survive only a day, making frankenlouie the longest living Jenus cat.

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Amazing Facts Book

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